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Calistreetnia is Agapito Industries’s  Calisthenics or Street Workout circuits  range. They are  robust and anti-vandalism   manufactured  and designed for...View more
Calistreetnia is Agapito Industries’s  Calisthenics or Street Workout circuits  range. They are  robust and anti-vandalism   manufactured  and designed for their installations in public Parks. All  Calisthenics equipment  is certified under the  European Standard   for permanently installed outdoor fitness equipment  EN16630. Street workout circuits , which are gaining popularity day by day, offer opportunities for physical and mental training, fostering positive and healthy values among young athletes. See CALISTHENICS CIRCUIT gallery View less

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conjunto calistenia bajo normativa en16630
conjunto street workout para exteriores
circuitos de street workout para parques publicos
equipos de street workout resistentes
fabricante elementos calistenia
conjunto calistenia bajo normativa en16630
conjunto calistenia bajo normativa en16630
conjunto street workout para exteriores