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Senior playgrounds in Switzerland

Nov 2, 2021 | News

Industrias Agapito’s senior playgrounds highly popular in Central and Northern Europe.

Switzerland is one of the most developed countries in the world and three of its cities: Zurich, Geneva and Basel, have been ranked among the top ten cities in the world for quality of life. The Swiss know and value health and sport and perhaps that is why they welcome the bio-healthy equipment for seniors, designed and manufactured by Industrias Agapito. 

This time, we are introducing a complete senior playground installed in Fribourg, Switzerland. The playground has a section of bio-healthy panels to perform different exercises with the upper limbs, among which there are some panels adapted for wheelchair users. 

In another section of the bio-healthy playground, there are several benches installed in line with the foot bike, arm bike and the psychomotor discs that stimulate the cognitive orientation functions and gnosias (recognition of shapes, sounds, times…) helping at the same time to improve the rotational movement of the ankle. All of this bio-healthy equipment with seats can be used by wheelchair users. 

This senior playground also features some of the most demanded bio-healthy equipment by municipalities and public entities and most used by our seniors, such as the obstacle course and the walkway and ramp together with the double arm rotation that are in the center of the rest of the equipment. 


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