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The Government of Aragon, together with CEOE Aragón (Aragon Business Confederation), Cepyme Aragón (Aragon SMEs Confederation), and the trade unions UGT Aragón and CC.OO Aragón, signed The Social Responsibility Plan of Aragon in November 2015, with the aim of promoting Corporate Social Responsibility in freelancers, companies, and all types of public and private organizations in the Autonomous Community of Aragon, so that they implement and apply socially responsible practices.


At Industrias Agapito we are fully aware of the importance of exercising right and proper corporate social responsibility. Due to this, for many years we have been implementing a range of policies and actions to promote good professional relations and respect for the environment in our corporation..


In recognition of all this effort, and given our commitment to the Principles of The Social Responsibility Plan of Aragon, we have been awarded the Social Responsibility Seal of Aragon (RSA) which recognizes the following qualities in Industrias Agapito:

Transparency: Being an exemplary and transparent organization, complying with applicable laws.


Sustainability: Incorporating environmental, social, and good governance criteria, contributing towards improving the impact caused.


Promoting professional relationships based on respect for the dignity of others, collaboration, equality, and communication, which foster a good professional environment.


Excellence and customer orientation: Focusing on excellence in management and continuous improvement to deliver the best possible services to clients, based on a relationship of trust and credibility.


Honesty in relationships with suppliers: Having ethical and responsible relationships with suppliers, avoiding any interference that may affect impartiality in this matter.


Respect for the environment: Promoting respect for the environment, minimizing environmental impact, or promoting clean technologies.


This new achievement is the result of the effort and collaboration of a great team of staff dedicated to obtaining the best results, while respecting good business practices. For this reason, we are very proud and grateful to receive this recognition, and remain firm in our commitment to provide a quality service to society, to make it a little better each day.

Recent News

The Nest, a New Rope Circuit Set

The Nest, a New Rope Circuit Set

Industrias Agapito presents its new rope circuit, The Nest, a structure designed to promote physical activity and fun among young children